We all know that our students have unique needs and learn the most when we differentiate instruction. However, preparation takes time, and differentiating on the fly can be tricky. 

Join us for a webinar to discover how fast and easy Classkick makes differentiation for elementary grades! Our speakers will be Mona Towner, instructional coach (iCoach) for Berwyn South School District 100 in Illinois, and Chrissy Lukasiewicz, special education teacher and technology adoption lead for Hiawatha Elementary in Berwyn South School District 100.

In this webinar, teachers and educational leaders will learn:

  • Fast and practical methods to differentiate instruction for elementary students
  • How to make it easy for students to express their own growth and learning
  • Strategies to connect preferred district pedagogy to daily classroom practice
  • The Classkick tools that make all of the above possible
Not familiar with Classkick? No problem. Check it out for free before the webinar.

If you’re unable to attend, don’t worry! Register anyway, and we’ll be happy to send you the recording.

Mona Towner
District Instructional Coach for Berwyn South School District 100

Mona Towner has been a public school educator for 32 years. As an Instructional Coach (iCoach) she travels to eight schools to coach teachers on integrating technology and other best practices in the classroom. Berwyn South is a K-8 1:1 iPad district in suburban Chicago. She is also the Social Media Manager, serves on the District Professional Development committee, and is the Google Workspaces Admin.

She believes that devices in the classroom allow teachers to provide personalized learning. Students should be using the devices to show their thinking and demonstrate their understanding.

Chrissy Lukasiewicz
5th Grade Teacher at Hiawatha Elementary School

Chrissy Lukasiewicz has been a special education teacher for 18 years. For the last 16 years, she has been the special education teacher within the inclusive co taught classroom. She has a passion for purposeful technology integration which makes the curriculum accessible for all students. She has implemented many of the district technology initiatives including Smartboard rollouts, 1:1 computers, and 1:1 ipads. She also facilitates a student technology group that empowers students to take risks, build student leaders, and assist others with technology needs.

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